Friday, 17 January 2025

What we are learning- Year 1


This week in maths we have been learning about teen numbers! We have started to understand that numbers have a value. We also had a go at writing teen numbers in numerals and words. 

Understand Ten and Ones. Grade 1 

In literacy we have been learning to write sentences using our phonic sound knowledge and include adjectives to make our writing more interesting.

This week in topic we have been learning about the parts of a plant and what role they play in making a plant grow. In RE we have been learning about Christianity.


Year 2 What We Are Learning



In Literacy, pupils have been describing

the appearance and personality of the penguin

in Lost and Found. Also,

they have looked at the features of a missing poster to

create their own missing posters using the appearance

and personality descriptions they carefully thought of. 


This week the children have been learning how to calculate 

pennies and pounds. The children have been

reflecting upon their times table knowledge to support them. 



In order to explore who  Christian believe God is, 

the children looked at a kenning poem this week. 

In their independent tasks, they each took 

one line (i.e. 2 words) of the kenning  poem,  and 

drew a picture to show what it means. 

Next, they made a class book with the annotated drawings.

Year 2 Awards



These children have worked extremely hard and

have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.

E for Excellence

Mulberry Class

Sataish, for working extremely hard to recognise

different denominations of coins in maths.

Rowan Class

Tommy, for working hard to improve his

maths knowledge independently. 

Pine Class

Alariah, for using your number facts to carry

out a mental calculation task. I was really impressed

with how quick you have solved those challenges.


Mulberry Class

Star Writers

Harlie, for her excellent effort in literacy this

week. Using amazing adjectives, Harlie wrote

a detailed and engaging missing penguin poster.

                                                        Rowan Class

Sofia, for writing a captivating missing

penguin poster. Great work!

                                                        Pine Class

Freddie, for writing a detailed and descriptive 

missing poster of a penguin using appropriate

adjectives. Well done!


The reflectiveness award this week goes to: Albie, Nathaniel

These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas,

identified key features and can talk about their learning. 

Nathaniel has been reflective this week as he supported

his partner to talk about key features of a missing poster.

Thank you for being a great role model!

The resourcefulness award this week goes to:

Daisy, Harley, Amaya

These pupils have been curious about their learning, made l

inks between ideas, shown imagination, reasoned

methodically and capitalised on resources. 

Harley has been resourceful this week as

she used the literacy working wall to support her.

Great work!

 Well done Amaya for making links between

your ideas and using available resources

to support your writing.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Forest school (Rowan class)


Forest school

Tomorrow (14th January 2025) Rowan class will start their block of 5 Forest School sessions.

As this time of year is particularly cold, it is really important that the children have the correct clothing. If they are not dressed correctly and feel cold or wet, it is very uncomfortable for them and takes some of the enjoyment out of the sessions. 

The children will need: 

A waterproof outer layer (separate waterproof trousers and jacket or an all in one.) 

Waterproof boots (welly or ski boots.)

Warm trousers, such as jogging bottoms, to wear under their waterproofs.

A warm coat (if their waterproof layer isn’t very thick.) 

Gloves, hat and scarf. 

Please note that the boots, waterproofs and warm trousers will be kept in school until the five sessions are over. 

We are very much looking forward to teaching your children during their Forest School session.

Kind regards 

Year 2 Team

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Year 1- What we are learning!


In literacy this week, we have been making predictions about what we think our new focus book might be about. We had to remember to look at the picture and the title to make careful, informed guesses! We then did some hot seating.

In maths this week, we have been recapping last term's learning to ensure we can accurately count to and from 20, represent these numbers using objects and to add and take away within 10. We also revisited 2D and 3D shapes!

In topic this week, we have been introduced to two significant figures of the past, they include Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale! By exploring the resources we were given, we had to try and figure out what they did and why they may have been important. 

Friday, 10 January 2025

Year 2 Awards

These children have worked extremely hard and
have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.
E for Excellence
Mulberry Class
 Ashton,  for his efforts in RE this week. Ashton
worked very hard to  share his ideas about who a
Christian is  and what they might believe. Well done!

Rowan Class
Alayna, for trying her best in every lesson. She worked
hard throughout all subjects. Keep up the great work!

Pine Class
Layla, for always being super helpful in the
classroom and offering to do jobs. You are a great
role model to those around you!
Star Writers
Mulberry Class
Connie, for using amazing adjectives in her
setting description. Super effort!

Rowan Class

Natalia, for using exceptional adjectives

to describe her story setting. Amazing work!

Pine Class

Adelina, for using captivating adjectives to

bring her story setting to life. Well done!


The resilience award this week goes to: Mfon, Teodor


These children have demonstrated perseverance,

managed distractions, noticed patterns and

been absorbed in their tasks.

Teodor showed resilience this week as

he was able to recognise and share his

marvellous mistake with the class. 

The reciprocity award this week goes to: Issam

These children have shown interdependence,

collaborated effectively, listened to others,

displayed empathy and have imitated effective

ideas and methods from others. 

The resourcefulness award this week goes to: 

These pupils have been curious about their learning,

made links between ideas, shown imagination,

reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources. 

                                 The reflectiveness award this week goes to: Kian 

These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified

key features and can talk about their learning. 

Kian was able to reflect upon his prior

maths knowledge. This then allowed him to complete

the task independently. Brilliant job!

Happy Teacher

Aditi, for being a very kind and helpful member of the

class. Keep up the good job!

Year 2 What We Are Learning.



This week in Literacy we started reading Lost and

Found by Oliver Jeffers. Listen here- Lost and Found.

We imagined we were in Antarctica. We listened to

soundscapes and looked at videos. We then used our

senses to write a descriptive piece as if we were in Antarctica. 


This week the children have been consolidating 

their learning in place of value. We have been completing 

many practical letters where the children were able to 

use the resources to support their understanding of place value. 



This week, we have been exploring transformation projects in art. 

The children were asked to create the seed of their project 

using a material of their choice. They then expanded their art work to 

include the shoots and roots. This resulted in creative structures

 made from a wide variety of materials.