These children have worked extremely hard and
have been rewarded for all of their hard work and efforts.
E for Excellence
Mulberry Class
Ashton, for his efforts in RE this week. Ashton
worked very hard to share his ideas about who a
Christian is and what they might believe. Well done!
Rowan Class
Alayna, for trying her best in every lesson. She worked
hard throughout all subjects. Keep up the great work!
Pine Class
Layla, for always being super helpful in the
classroom and offering to do jobs. You are a great
role model to those around you!
Star Writers
Mulberry Class
Connie, for using amazing adjectives in her
setting description. Super effort!
Rowan Class
Natalia, for using exceptional adjectives
to describe her story setting. Amazing work!
Pine Class
Adelina, for using captivating adjectives to
bring her story setting to life. Well done!
The resilience award this week goes to: Mfon, Teodor
These children have demonstrated perseverance,
managed distractions, noticed patterns and
been absorbed in their tasks.
Teodor showed resilience this week as
he was able to recognise and share his
marvellous mistake with the class.
The reciprocity award this week goes to: Issam
These children have shown interdependence,
collaborated effectively, listened to others,
displayed empathy and have imitated effective
ideas and methods from others.
The resourcefulness award this week goes to:
These pupils have been curious about their learning,
made links between ideas, shown imagination,
reasoned methodically and capitalised on resources.
The reflectiveness award this week goes to: Kian
These pupils have planned carefully, revised ideas, identified
key features and can talk about their learning.
Kian was able to reflect upon his prior
maths knowledge. This then allowed him to complete
the task independently. Brilliant job!
Happy Teacher
Aditi, for being a very kind and helpful member of the
class. Keep up the good job!