Thursday 20 April 2017

Year One Maths

This week in maths, year one have been using their resourcefulness skills to help them with answering multiplication questions. They have been learning that they can use their times table knowledge, their fingers, drawing groups, using concrete objects and using arrays.

Children can more readily develop an understanding of multiplication concepts if they see visual representations of the computation process. An arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows is called an array. Arrays are useful representations of multiplication concepts.
This array has 4 rows and 3 columns. It can also be described as a 4 by 3 array.
four by three array

Here are some of the children showing off their skills, using arrays to help them answer some tricky times table calculations. Great work!

"When we draw the array we need to be careful not to include extra dots- we must count them carefully" Rajaab
"Count the dots after and it gives you the answer" Andrew
"All the dots need friends so you need to remember to fill them in" Connie

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