Monday, 24 April 2017

Polina the Gymnast!

Well done to Polina, who has managed to pass her next level of Gymnastics! She is now Level 8 and already working towards the next. Clearly, her hard work and dedication has paid off! 

We love hearing about the children's extra curricular activities and achievements, so please keep them coming! 

Year 1/2 Curriculum Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 1/2 - Curriculum Newsletter
Welcome back to the New Term, we hope you’ve had a lovely Easter break. We have an exciting term ahead of us and  can’t wait to get stuck into our new Topics! Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions relating to the curriculum.
As always, our expectation at Broadford is that every child does the following every night:
  • 15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult and note in the reading record
  • 15 minutes practicing spellings
  • 15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts (including multiplication and division)
If children would like to attempt an additional challenge, we have a new Learning Challenge for children to attempt this Summer term, which is attached.

Spellings will be given out on Mondays. The children should practise their words every evening. Please support your children in reading the spellings aloud and defining the words to give them a secure understanding of them. The test will take place on Fridays and you will see your child’s score on the following Monday.
Year 2 will be going to the Tower of London on the 7th of July and will also be visiting Raphael Park (dates to follow).
Curriculum Information
We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term. If you would like to make any suggestions of what you or your child would like to learn in relation to the topics taught, please complete the form attached and return it to your child’s class teacher. We welcome any suggestions you may have.
Yours Sincerely,

        Miss Chappel      Miss Hammond          Miss Estall              Miss Rollin

          Mulberry teacher           Pine teacher                          Cherry teacher                  Cedar teacher
             Year 1 Leader                                Year 2 Leader


1st Half Term
2nd Half Term
Year 1: Jungle Fever
Year 2: Dungeons & Dragons
Year 1: Pirate Ahoy!
Year 2: Dungeons & Dragons
Year 1

Year 2
RWI/Literacy and Language
Year 1

Year 2
Literacy and Language.
For a good selection of children books visit your local library.
Useful web links-
Year 1
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division

Year 2
Addition and subtraction: column method.
Year 1
Place value

Year 2
Place value
Measurement (weight)
Measurement (mixed)
Please practice the times tables with your children. In Year 2, Rock Stars Maths are completed daily. Children may take home the sheet they are on to practice. It needs to be completed in 5 minutes.   Useful websites:
Year 1
Year 2
Photography - Editiing and capturing.
Year 1
Movie maker
Year 2
Year 1 & 2
Year 1 & 2
You could visit the Science Museum. Admission is free. Located at Exhibition Road in South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD.
History/ Geography
Year 1
Food from around the world
Year 2
Castles - attack/defence
Using and identifying sources.
Year 1

Location-home and away

Year 2
The Battle of Hastings
William the Conqueror
Geogrphy of our local area - linked to park visit.
Year 1
Outdoor games - bat and ball skills.
Year 2
Outdoor games - bat and ball skills.
Year 1

Year 2
Please ensure your child has their P.E kit for the correct day
Year 1 - Tuesday
Year 2- Thursday
Music lessons weekly with a music teacher.
Music lessons weekly with a teacher.
Art/ Design and Technology
Cake making
Year 2
Flowers - Georgia O’Keeffe
Year 1
Light and dark
Year 2
To make a trebuchet.
Andy Warhol
Year 1
Year 2
Year 1
Achievements and aspirations
Year 2
Going for goals.
If you have any suggestions you would like to make in relation to the topics we are covering please fill in the box below.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Year 2 Star Writers

Well done to Leo and Joe; our first Star Writers of the Summer term!
Handwriting and punctuation has been a big focus in Year 2 recently. We have been working hard to ensure all letters are consistently sized and sit neatly on the line. The boys have proven that they are capable of this when they produced this cracking piece of work.
In addition to this, they ensured each sentence began with a capital letter and ended with the appropriate punctuation. They even managed to get some exclamation marks in there!

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Cherry Homework Race - Spring Term Champions!

 These fabulous children are the winners of the Spring term Homework Race! All of these children have shown outstanding dedication to their homework, which is fundamental to them making the required progress at School. 
  They have complete their spellings EVERY SINGLE WEEK and brought them back to school on a Friday. For this, they have earned themselves a Medal, extra trail time and a special treat from Mrs Nicholls. What a great bunch of children to have!
I look forward to finding out who wins in the Summer term; let's hope it will be the whole class!
Don't forget:
  • Spellings come home on a Monday and must be completed each night and returned on a Friday ready for the test.
  • Pupils must read for at least 15 minutes every night with an adult.
  • Pupils must practise their times tables for 15 minutes every night ready for the test on a Friday.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Summer's Super Learning Challenge

Well done to Summer Wingrove who has already completed some of this term's Learning Challenge - and it's only the first week! Summer chose to create a piece inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe. She used a variety of different materials to create her final master piece. Summer then wrote some evaluative comments about her work. The children of Cedar class were amazed when they saw how much hard work Summer had put into her picture. Well done Summer, and thank you for sharing your super Learning Challenge with us! 

Year One Maths

This week in maths, year one have been using their resourcefulness skills to help them with answering multiplication questions. They have been learning that they can use their times table knowledge, their fingers, drawing groups, using concrete objects and using arrays.

Children can more readily develop an understanding of multiplication concepts if they see visual representations of the computation process. An arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows is called an array. Arrays are useful representations of multiplication concepts.
This array has 4 rows and 3 columns. It can also be described as a 4 by 3 array.
four by three array

Here are some of the children showing off their skills, using arrays to help them answer some tricky times table calculations. Great work!

"When we draw the array we need to be careful not to include extra dots- we must count them carefully" Rajaab
"Count the dots after and it gives you the answer" Andrew
"All the dots need friends so you need to remember to fill them in" Connie

Image result for new pound coins
Year One's 'Pound Party' Project

Year One have started an exciting new project called 'Pound Party'. This half term the children will be set the task of designing and making cakes or biscuits. This is a cross-curricular project that the children are already excited about. The project will comprise of :

Computing: research using books and ICT
Geography: where the ingredients originally come from
D and T: design and make a cake 
Literacy: write a set of instructions, write a persuasive letter, write a shopping list
Maths: money-addition and subtraction, measures- weighing and capacity  
Science- changing materials 

The children will choose if they would like to make a cake independently or in a group. 

In order to get their pound from the school, they will have to persuade Mr Drakes, Mrs Nicholls, Mrs Stanley or our office and finance manger, that they need the pound to support their deeper understanding of the above subjects. They will compose their argument and present it as a group. 

The children are already very excited about this and some have even started to research cakes at home and bring in recipe books. 

Towards the end of the project, the children will visit Tesco, where they will buy their ingredients and bake their cake, ready for a Year One tea party! 

                                                         Image result for cupcake

Ruben's Reward

Congratulations to Ruben Roberts who brought his karate trophy in to share with Cedar class. Ruben has been working hard in his karate and has earned himself the 'Star of the Week' award! Keep up the hard work Ruben, thank you for sharing your success with us! 

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

KS1 Maths Challenge

Below is the first Maths Challenge of the summer term. The children can take part in the weekly maths challenge which is displayed in the KS1 corridor. The best answers are chosen each week and those mathematicians receive a certificate in Assembly.

               Well done to this week's winners: Alice Adedipe and Harry Kaylor. 

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Learning Challenge Year One

Our new topic this term is 'Jungle Fever'! Please see the attached photos for this term's learning challenge. A paper copy will be sent out this week, so please check bags. We cannot wait to see all your projects and home learning!

Monday, 17 April 2017

Year 2 Learning Challenge

A Happy Easter to all, we hope you have had a brilliant break!
We look forward to welcoming you back to School tomorrow, for what promises to be an exciting term full of wonderful learning experiences and opportunities.

Here is the Learning Challenge for this term. The children will be given a hard copy of this tomorrow, along with the Summer term curriculum letter. Remember, children do not need to complete all elements of the Learning Challenge to be worthy of a certificate. We encourage children to select the elements in which they are most interested in.
We look forward to celebrating all of the wonderful work the children produce!

Significant Person: William the Conqueror.

 Poem: The Dragon on the Playground by Kenn Nesbitt.

There's a dragon on the playground
who descended from the skies.
He swooped down on the schoolyard
where he took us by surprise.

He leapt across the blacktop
in a single bounding stride,
erupting flames and lava
to incinerate the slide.

He reared his huge and scaly head
and flapped his leathery wings,
then set the soccer field ablaze
and blackened all the swings.

He cauterized the asphalt
with a sudden, fiery flash.
Then reeled upon the seesaw
and converted it to ash.

He melted all the monkey bars.
The sand was molten glass.
With nothing left to liquefy
he headed for our class.

I doubt we'll soon be rid of him
despite the fires he's set.
You see, our teacher likes him,
so he's now the teacher's pet.
Artist: Georgia O’Keefe. A sunflower from Maggie.

Copy the painting using a material of your choice.
Find out 5 facts about William the Conqueror.
Copy the poem in your neatest handwriting.
Write a paragraph explaining what you like/dislike about the painting.
Write a letter asking him about the Battle of Hastings.
Write your own poem relating to the theme ‘Dungeons and Dragons’.
Use the image as stimulus for a “100 word challenge”.
Explain the significance of this person in History.
Write a poem about the Battle of Hastings which includes alliteration and rhyme.