Thursday 9 March 2017

We've Cracked it!

The children in Year 2 have certainly proved that no task is too big for them....

When they found a mysterious treasure chest in the sandpit at the start of term they were aghast and baffled. "Who put it there?" "What is inside?" "What do the objects link to?" They asked.

They knew they had the task of piecing all of the things together but they were truly confused by the random objects and slightly apprehensive about feeding back to Mrs Nicholls.

Luckily, they got their thinking caps on, got to work and proved that they are great investigators! They hunted through books, rummaged for clues, scanned the internet and even questioned their parents. They then brought all of these sources of information together to work out what each clue was and how they related to one another. It turns out the items in the chest were all in relation to Columbus and his famous Voyages.

The Santa picture was because the boat was the Santa Maria! Kara

The hat is in there because he was a sailor and they wear these kind of hats. Lewis

As a result of this drama, the children have become much better at researching using a variety of sources and are now applying these new-found skills to other projects! I wonder what they will find out next...?

I loved doing the timeline, I even did one at home of my life. Nina


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