Monday 12 December 2016

Pine Class Trip, St Andrew's Church, Hornchurch

This morning, Pine Class visited Hornchurch to see a very special church- St. Andrew's. The children were very excited to see a church during Advent and explore all the things they have been learning about in class. St. Andrew's were very welcoming and lots of people had arrived to show the children around all the different areas and teach them about the church and the Nativity Story.

"We learned about the baby Jesus and how the wise men followed the star to see him be born in a manger" Katlyn
"We got to sit in the pews- they are very old" Giada

Did you know there has been a church on this site since at least 1163?  The tower contains 10 bells hung in a clockwise ring. The tenor bell dates from 1779. Over Christmas Day, the bells will be rung for up to 3 hours! Here the children discovered the difficulty or ringing those heavy bells. The children were excited to climb the bell tower steps to get to the top of the church.

"There used to be 8 bells, but now there are 10" Kanishka
"We all got to ring the bells- it almost lifted me off the floor!" Roberto

Next, the children learned about the lighting of candles for Advent and the church gift box collection. The children saw the model nativity scene and even a life size one!

"The red candle is lit on Christmas Day" Connie

Finally, the class got to look at the oldest Bible the church owns (over 100 years old!). They saw the changes the Bible has made over time and the different kinds of Bible we can buy today.

"It was so old the lady had to wear special white gloves to touch it so the pages wouldn't break" Temilola

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