Sunday, 29 June 2014

Oh we do like to be beside the Seaside...

Year 2 had a super, sunny day at the Seaside Friday. Despite the forecast, the rain held off so we were able to enjoy building sandcastles and made our own seashell bracelets. Children loved going inside the Pillbox imagining what it would have been like during wars. 

Power nap for Yemi before our arrival! 

Inside the Pillbox.

Turkish day in Cherry class.

We had a fabulous day Thursday learning all about Turkey. We tired Turkish food, learnt Turkish words and even had a go at belly dancing!

Check out the photos! 

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Hallo from The Netherlands!

Mulberry class was transformed into Holland today during the special world cup day. The children learned that "The Netherlands" means "Low Lands" so there are so lots of windmills found across the country that help to prevent the land from flooding.
We spoke about Vincent Van Gogh, a famous painter who was born in Holland. The children worked hard to produce their own versions of his famous picture, "The Sunflowers". Featured below is the work produced by Abyan and Lola from Cherry and Ellis and Connor from Cedar. We learned that Van Gogh's original was last sold for more than $35 million... Perhaps the work the children produced today isn't worth quite that much, but they still look like they're worth a million dollars.

Friday, 20 June 2014


The children in Pine and Mulberry are learning to identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats and they are beginning to understand that most living things live in habitats they are suited to. Today we investigated habitats and micro-habitats around our school. Luckily we have some amazing new facilities which made this a very fun experience as our playground now features bug hotels, grassy areas and even a small pond! 

We had great fun pond-dipping to explore an aquatic habitat. The children were able to identify midge fly larvae (blood worms), diving bettles and we even found a small water snail amongst many other creatures! We made a figure of 8 very slowly and gently tipped the net into a tray before studying the creatures with magnifying glasses.

 It was amazing to see that the plants and creatures in a pond form a small community together. We discovered some interesting facts, for example, we learnt that water snails hide in plants for shelter but also rely on the plants for a food source as it is a herbivore. 

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Mulberry's Local Area Walk

Mulberry went for a walk around Harold Hill in the sunshine. We observed the different types of houses, and compared semi-detached houses, detached houses and terraced houses. We noticed that the houses are made of different materials.
After a lovely explore of the playground we made a special visit to the postbox on our way home... Has the postman been to visit with anything special for you yet?