Friday, 8 September 2017

KS1 Math Challenge

The Maths Challenge is an effective and exciting way to extend your mathematical thinking. Every two weeks there is a different Maths Challenge for the children in KS1 to complete. The Maths Challenge is split into two challenges:

The Weekly Maths Challenge: designed to develop what the children already know whilst allowing them to develop their mathematical reasoning skills.

The Fermi Challenge: an estimation problem designed to teach dimensional analysis and estimation. Fermi problems typically involve making justified guesses about quantities.

The challenges will be updated every two weeks and posted on the blog so you can join in at home. 

This week's challenges:

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Year 2 Learning Challenge

Today, the children have been given their Curriculum newsletter for this term along with the Learning challenge. The children always love this topic (as do the adults) and we can't wait to get started!

Please encourage  your child to complete some elements of the learning challenge and give completed projects into the teacher by half term. We can then celebrate their work in assembly.

Your continued support in ensuring the children reach their full potential is highly appreciated.



Write the poem out in your best handwriting.

Draw a picture in similar style.

Draw a portrait of the person.


Learn it off by heart and perform it to somebody else.

Find out 10 facts about London.

Produce a timeline of his life.


Write your own poem inspired by the topic ‘Fire’.

Compare and contrast London today to London in 1666.

Write a diary entry as Samuel Pepys in September 1666.

Year 2 Curriculum Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 2 - Curriculum Newsletter
Welcome back to the New Term! We hope you find this letter informative. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions relating to the curriculum.
Our expectation at Broadford is that every child should do the following every night:
·         15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult and note in the reading record
·         15 minutes practicing spellings
·         15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts (including multiplication and division)
If children would like to attempt an additional challenge, we have a new Learning Challenge for children to attempt this Autumn term which is attached. All of the activities are based around a significant person, poem or painting relating to our topics. Children do not have to attempt every activity but instead select the activities that they are most interested in and compile a project that reflects the extra time and effort that they have put into their challenge. We hope that children will take their time with the challenge and be proud of the work they produce. They should hand this in to their teacher at the end of the Half Term.

Spellings will be given out on Mondays. The children should practice their words every evening. The test will take place on Fridays.
Year 2 will have a Great Fire of London workshop on October 12th and will visit Harold Hill fire station (date to be confirmed).
Curriculum Information
We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term. If you would like to make any suggestions of what you or your child would like to learn in relation to the topics taught, please let the team know. We welcome any suggestions you may have.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Estall          Miss Hammond          Mr Jackson         
Year 2 Leader                 Cherry teacher                  Cedar teacher


1st Half Term
2nd Half Term

Bang, Whoosh, Pop
Harold Hill vs Sydney

RWI and Literacy and Language

RWI and Literacy and Language
Please fill in the reading record after hearing your child read.
For a good selection of children books visit your local library.
Useful web links-

Number: Place value
Number: Addition and subtraction
Measure: Money
Number: Multiplication and division

Please practice the times tables with your children. We complete Rock Stars Maths daily. Children may take home the sheet they are on to practice. It needs to be completed in 5 minutes to move onto the next sheet.
Useful websites:
Researching the Great Fire of London.
Espresso coding.

Purple mash.
Interactive maps.

You could visit the Science Museum. Admission is free. Located at Exhibition Road in South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD.
The Great Fire of London.
Samuel Pepys.
The Gunpowder Plot.
Countries and continents. Comparing locations.
Map skills.

You could visit The monument or Museum of London both have exhibitions about The Great Fire of London.

OAA trails
Dance linked to topic
Music lessons Thursday afternoons with a music teacher.
Music lessons Thursday afternoons with a music teacher.
Art/ Design and Technology
Design and make a boat.
Steven Wiltshire.
Australian art.
New Beginnings
Christianity: stories about Jesus.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

First Day In Year 2!

Welcome back to a new term, it has been lovely to see all the children today!
 This morning the children came bouncing into class with huge smiles on their faces and shared all their wonderful summer activities with us. Soon after, they got their teeth stuck into the activities in class. The children were seen using our finger gym to hunt for letters and voluntarily recapped their sounds reading for Read Write Inc next week. They even used Showbie on the iPads for the first time!
The children demonstrated that they are more than ready for challenges Year 2 brings and we can't wait to see what this term brings.
Every child was heard reading today and was been given their reading record and a reading book.
 The race has officially began to earn those reading certificates! I wonder who will be first to reach 10 books and get their this space!


Sunday, 3 September 2017

Year 2 Chicks

The children in Year 2 have absolutely LOVED their chick experience for the past two weeks. They have been lucky enough to witness them hatching and have watched them grow into adorable, fluffy chicks.
The children have demonstrated that they are caring individuals by nurturing the chicks throughout our time with them. They have fed, cleaned and stroked them each day and  kept a daily diary on their Showbie accounts - feel free to take a look!
We are sad to see our little friends go but we have had an amazing time with them; well done Year 2!