Monday, 26 September 2016

Year 2 Star Writers

A huge well done to John and Rashid for being Star Writers this week. They worked very hard to use adjectives in their writing to add detail to descriptions of what they could see, smell and hear.

Keep it up boys!

John particularly impressed with his ability to take on feedback from an adult and edit his work to ensure it meets his objective! 

The Cherry Homework Race Is On!

The children in Cherry class are 'Going for Gold' in this term's Olympic Homework Race.
Each week the children who bring in their completed spellings move their faces along the track in the hope to reach the end by half term. They also get to move themselves by reading at least three times a week which, impressively, many children are already achieving!

The completion of homework has a significant impact on progress which is why we are keen to celebrate it. The children in Cherry class are proving they are eager to develop their learning outside of School and we are very pleased to have already seen such high levels of support from home.

Keep an eye out for an update of the Race over the coming weeks!

I'm going to make sure I bring my spellings next week so I can catch up! Bobby

I'm going to read every night so I don't get taken over! Kara

The race will commence at the start of every half term so the children have 6 chances to become Homework Champions!

Your continuous support with homework is greatly appreciated.

A reminder that our expectation at Broadford is that every child does the following every night:
  • 15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult and note in the reading record
  • 15 minutes practicing spellings
  • 15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts (including multiplication and division)

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Year 2 Learning Challenge

Here is the first Learning Challenge of Year 2 for the children to get their teeth into! A hard copy was also sent out on Friday but if you have misplaced it, feel free to ask the class teacher and they will happily give you another copy. We can't wait to see the children's work and celebrate it in assembly so please encourage your children to complete as many elements as they wish. 

Thank you for your continued support with homework, it makes a huge difference to your child's progress and allows them to gain a deeper understanding of the learning taking place in School.